Be a professional DEVELOPER! (BPD)

Are you a professional developer?

// Save your answer here
boolean amIProfessional = true | false;

My first answer to this question was:

Yes, I am a professional! 

However, I have been “trying” to be a professional for about 11 years.

I said “trying” because, according to Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob), we need to understand certain principles to truly be a PROFESSIONAL!

So a decided to create this series of posts to become a professional developer and share the results of my research.

In the book The Clean Coder, Uncle Bob presents a set of principles required to be a professional,  which I outline below:

Be able to describe all 24 software patterns from the GoF book

Draw principles. You need to know SOLID principles and have a good understanding of its main components

Understand the methods: XP, Scrum, Lean, Kanban, Waterfall, Structure Analysis and Structured Design

Practice TDD, object-oriented design, structural programming, Continuous Integration and Pair Programming

Now I will ask again, are you a professional developer?

More or less?

I can’t describe all software patterns, although I can remember some.

Therefore, I will learn about these principles and share the results here, along with some code code snippets.


Principles > Any Framework

I already used Delphi, Java, Javascript, NodeJS, C#, Angular, React and more. It’s common to see discussing like:

What’s the “best” programming language?

What’s the “best” framework or library?

For me, these kind of questions is so stupid! Because frameworks or programming languages are merely tools, not the ultimate goal.

We, as developers, often become overly focused on learning a “new javascript framework ” and forget to learn principles.

If we undertand the principles, we can build any system with any stack.


I decide to name this series of posts: BPD (Be a Professional DEVELOPER).

Shall we proceed together?

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